The Head & Heart Model

Consciousness and the Body Give Us Our Experience of Being Alive.

In the Aliveness website we introduced the Aliveness Model. This model provides a visual display of how consciousness and the body work together to give us the various aspects of our experience of being alive.

We now introduce a second model that builds upon the first and shows more directly how consciousness and the body work together to create our human experience of being alive.

The experience of being alive is made possible by two things: consciousness and the body. Each of these contribute very different things to our experience of being alive.

The body is unique.

There is no other body exactly like yours. The body provides a sense of dimension. We are here and not there. We are inside and not outside. We are solid and not vaporous. The body gives us the experience of being at one very specific location in the universe. The body can move around. It can travel and see different areas of the planet. The body connects us to this planet. The body gives us the experience of duality: I am here in my body and you are over there in your body: me—you; I—thou.

Consciousness is universal.

Consciousness is the opposite to the body. Consciousness comes in different forms: sentiency, self-awareness, feeling, universal consciousness. Consciousness has no location or physical orientation other than that provided by the body. Consciousness is both here and everywhere at the same time. We are one with everything. Yet we are also isolated inside the body at the same time.

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