My Professional Journey

My First Time Alone In Front of a Group

“What the hell am I doing?” That is me talking to myself in a shocking moment of realization. I was alone in front of a group of Western Electric managers. We were about to begin a management training seminar. I would be their trainer. There was no co-trainer like I had had before. The year…

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

With experiential learning, there is no way of knowing what participants are going to do or say or how they will react during a workshop. At times the trainer has to be creative in responding to unexpected behavior. I came to think that occasionally I could do “magic” if I stayed alert to the possibility…

Creating Safety in the Classroom

I learned for myself the importance of creating safety in the classroom. For most of the 1970s I was the Training Officer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Early in that decade Lab management had laid off the Training department. Soon after they realized that they still needed a training fuction, just one that was…

Men’s Retreat

I have used magic mushrooms (psilocybin) only once, but this one time changed the direction of my life. People who use drugs for recreation usually just pop them into their mouth and wait to see what happens. It is a bit like going on a carnival ride at the amusement park. At the carnival ride…

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