Category | Head Center | Heart Center |
Consciousness: | sentiency/self-awareness | feeling |
Relates to which world: | outer world | inner world |
Focus: | objectivity | subjectivity |
How it takes in data: | sensation | intuition |
How it processes data: | thinking | feeling |
How it categorizes information: | differentiation | wholeness/oneness |
Energy orientation: | “push” | “pull” |
How it relates to the world: | action | stillness |
Journey orientation: | horizontal | vertical |
Relationship Orientation: | “me” | “we” |
The Consciousness of Each Center:
There is an overall consciousness—Universal Consciousness. This is always with us although we usually do not experience it.
Within Universal Consciousness there are subsets of consciousness which perform specific functions.
Sentiency works with the brain to gives us the experience an outer world around us.
Self-Awareness works with the brain to give us the experience of being a separate self.
Feeling works with heart to give us the experience an inner world within us.
We need to utilize all forms of consciousness to experience the fullness of life.
Each Center Relates to Its Own World
The Head Center: consciousness works with the brain to form the mind and the experience of living in the outer world.
The Heart Center: consciousness works with the heart to experience living in the inner world.
Fullness requires on-going access to both centers and experiencing all forms of consciousness.
The Focus of Each Center
The Head Center is oriented around a reality that can be examined and understood objectively. This has led to empirical research and the formation of a body of knowledge that we call science.
The Heart Center is oriented around a reality which can be felt but cannot be experienced by the mind.
How Each Center Takes in Data
Carl Jung described two ways that we take in data and two ways that we process that data.
We take in data through sensation and intuition.
- With sensation we take in data through our 5 senses. This give us information about the outer world.
- With intuition we take in data directly from our inner world. This gives us information about the inner world.
However, they do not take in the same kind of data. To get the fullest picture of what is going on in your world, you need both kinds of input.
How Each Center Processes Data: Thinking and Feeling
We can process data through thinking and feeling.
- Thinking uses the Head Center to form thoughts, concepts and models to explain the data we received.
- Feeling receives our intuition to assess the importance of what we have received.
Both thinking and feeling are important. Together they turn raw data into information that is relevant. But both centers need to be functional to get the fullest understanding.
Energy Orientation of each Center: Push — Pull
How we connect energetically with those around us. Each center has its own energy orientation.
The Head Center is oriented primarily around push energy. Push orientation broadcasts energy outwards to inform others of our position. Push energy wants to go into action—either mental or physical action. This is sometimes referred to as the masculine orientation.
Pull orientation draws the energy of others towards us. Pull orientation enables us to better understand the people around us. Pull energy converts into stillness—both mental and physical. Pull energy absorbs energy from the outer environment and allows the environment to settle down. Pull orientation is sometimes referred to the feminine orientation.
Relationship Orientation of Each Center
- Head: “me”
- Heart: “we”
Journey Orientation of Each Center
- Head Center: Horizontal Journey
- Heart Center: Vertical Journey